The third graders are very excited to receive and begin their new school year in music class learning how to play the recorder. They have had their first official lesson, are learning basic fingering and have begun to play simple melodies and songs.
Wednesday, September 19, 2018
Music Activity Highlights from Our Last Week in School Grade 7 Handbells: Graduation Dress Rehearsal Grade 1 Rhythm Play Alongs Grade 1...

Week of January 25th, 2021 Grade 2 c elebrates Native American Indian Month Grade 2 celebrated Native American Indian Month by learning ...
Week of February 17th, 2020 Keeping Time with the Orff method Carl Orff, a German composer and music educator believed that children co...
Week of October 7th, 2019 Kindergarten is learning to keep a steady beat. Here they move in time following the directions on the video ...