Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Week of October 26th

Kindergarten is very excited to prepare for Halloween and all of its festivities.
This week they listened to, and danced to two versions of the song Pumpkin Jack.

3rd grade continues to learn songs and choreography for the Christmas Show.
Here are excerpts of Pickle in the Tannenbaum and La Pinata

5th-7th grade is working diligently on Bal-A-Vis-X, a new program that we implemented 
this year in both the physical education classes and music classes.
Bal-A-Vis-X stands for Balance, Auditory, Visual and Exercise.

Here 6th  & 7th graders work with bean bags to strengthen and 
improve dexterity in both hands equally.

5th Graders are working with racket balls to develop dexterity in both hands, equally.
They are focusing on rhythmic timing, coordination and teamwork
all the while listening to Classical music. 

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Week of October 21st

This past weekend thirteen  6th, 7th and 8th grade students shared their gifts and the results of their hard work  with the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus at the chapel in Rosemont for an Appreciation Liturgy. They did an excellent job. We are very proud of you, especially the 6th and 7th graders 
who demonstrated such poise and confidence in your first Hand Bell performance ever.   

Kindergarten students continue to develop their skills as instrumentalists.
This week they learned a Halloween song called "Did You Hear That Sound?"
Here they create the sounds they hear at Halloween using percussion instruments.

The Scary Sounds of Halloween! 











Friday, October 18, 2019

Week of Oct. 14th

The 6th, 7th and 8th grade are collaborating to play 2 Hand Bell pieces for an upcoming liturgy.
The Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus have graciously invited Holy Child Academy's Hand Bell Choir to participate in an Appreciation Liturgy for the Sisters at their Chapel in Rosemont this coming Sunday, October 20th. Here is a preview of one of the selections they will be performing. 

                  Kindergarten continues to discover their love of playing instruments in music class.
They are learning to keep a steady beat, to imitate rhythmic patterns they hear aurally and to learn to play a variety of percussion instruments using the Orff method of studying music.

The 3rd grade is ecstatic to be the leads in this year's Christmas production.
It is entitled December Round the World. 
Here they practice reciting their lines for the first scene in the show.
An interesting facet for this year's production is that they will sing in 5 different languages 
as they demonstrate how certain cultures celebrate their unique traditions
 in respective countries from all over the world. 

The 4th grade, along with the other grades in the lower school are very excited to be part of the 2019 Christmas Show again this year.  Here they have begun practicing vocals and choreography for the 
2nd musical number of December Round the World entitled "La Pinata". 

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Week of October 7th, 2019

Kindergarten is learning to keep a steady beat.
Here they move in time following the directions on the video
to a song entitled From Your Seat, Keep the Beat.

8th Graders are preparing several Hand Bell numbers to perform at a very special liturgy for the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus on October 20th, 2019. Here's a portion of Joyful Praise.

First Grade completed a lesson on distinguishing Beat and Rhythm.
First they recite a poem to help them remember the difference.
Then they sing a chant entitled Rain on the Green Grass while tapping the beat
but clapping the rhythm of the words.

Thursday, October 3, 2019

Week of Sept. 30, 2019

We are very excited to introduce a new program this year entitled Bal-A-Vis-X.
Bal-A-Vis-X  stands for Balance-Auditory-Vision-Exercise.
Students will work on their skills in both music classes and physical education classes.
Here they work with bean bags and racket balls to develop their coordination and timing.
Once everyone can execute the drills, we add music in various genres and fluctuating tempos.
Here are samples of 5th graders collaborating.

Kindergarten was introduced to using Orff instruments this week.
They learned the names of many percussion instruments.
They learned to play patterns to line up with certain lyrics of the song.
During the interludes, they passed their instrument to the next person
until each student had a chance to play every instrument.

2nd grade learned a new song using hula hoops.
It is entitled "Jump in the circle."
Here they form groups of four as they follow the directions and add claps.

4th grade is up and moving.
Here they demonstrate dance moves to a song entitled "Let's get funky."
These songs are from The Learning Station
Healthy Songs for A Child's Heart, Body and Mind

Music Activity Highlights from Our Last Week in School  Grade 7 Handbells: Graduation Dress Rehearsal    Grade 1 Rhythm  Play Alongs Grade 1...