Friday, October 18, 2019

Week of Oct. 14th

The 6th, 7th and 8th grade are collaborating to play 2 Hand Bell pieces for an upcoming liturgy.
The Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus have graciously invited Holy Child Academy's Hand Bell Choir to participate in an Appreciation Liturgy for the Sisters at their Chapel in Rosemont this coming Sunday, October 20th. Here is a preview of one of the selections they will be performing. 

                  Kindergarten continues to discover their love of playing instruments in music class.
They are learning to keep a steady beat, to imitate rhythmic patterns they hear aurally and to learn to play a variety of percussion instruments using the Orff method of studying music.

The 3rd grade is ecstatic to be the leads in this year's Christmas production.
It is entitled December Round the World. 
Here they practice reciting their lines for the first scene in the show.
An interesting facet for this year's production is that they will sing in 5 different languages 
as they demonstrate how certain cultures celebrate their unique traditions
 in respective countries from all over the world. 

The 4th grade, along with the other grades in the lower school are very excited to be part of the 2019 Christmas Show again this year.  Here they have begun practicing vocals and choreography for the 
2nd musical number of December Round the World entitled "La Pinata". 

Music Activity Highlights from Our Last Week in School  Grade 7 Handbells: Graduation Dress Rehearsal    Grade 1 Rhythm  Play Alongs Grade 1...