Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Week of February 10th, 2020

The Beat is the Heart of Music
In honor of Valentine's Day, Grade 2 is learning how the beat is the heart of music.
Here they practice delineating Valentine phrases by indicating the rhythm
of the words using popsicle sticks.

Popular Valentine Phrases 

My Heart Belongs to You!

Won't You Be My Valentine?

I Love You!

Making Connections
This week in honor of Black History Month, 1st grade is learning about famous African-Americans. They studied about George Washington Carver, a scientist and inventor who is
 often attributed with inventing peanut butter. That is a myth. 
He did however invent 102 products associated with peanut butter. 
Here the 1st grade is learning a catchy song entitled Peanut Butter and Jelly. 

Italian Music
This week 4th grade is learning about Italian Music.
They were introduced to instruments such as the cello, mandolin and accordion. 
They also learned about Italian dances such as the Tarantella. 

Music Activity Highlights from Our Last Week in School  Grade 7 Handbells: Graduation Dress Rehearsal    Grade 1 Rhythm  Play Alongs Grade 1...