Week of February 10th, 2021
Black History Month Musicians
Grades 1 and 2 have begun studying about black musicians who had a significant
impact on the history of music, particularly in jazz.
This week they learned how to scat, using nonsense syllables
from the Queen of Jazz herself, Ella Fitzgerald and the Father of Jazz:
Trumpeter, Louis Armstrong.
Valentine's Day
The Beat is the Heart of Music
Grade 1 is learning about rhythm.
They studied how the beat is the heart of music,
much like our heart controls the rhythm of our bodies.
They also learned to differentiate different rhythmic values,
as evidenced in these Valentine note worksheets they colored.
Grade 7 Handbells
Grade 7 continues to make great strides in learning new Hand bell repertoire.
Here they are working on a selection entitled All Things Bright and Beautiful.