Grade 8 Hand Bells
A large focus of 8th grade music is learning to play the hand bells.
Here they are seen practicing in appropriate socially distanced spacing.
They have begun with music by Tchaikovsky, March of the Nutcracker and another
Christmas favorite, Up on the Housetop.
Grade 1 has begun the year learning to sing on pitch.
This month they will focus on that skill using animal-themed songs.
This posting includes "Pete the Cat, I Love My White Shoes"
and "Five Green Speckled Frogs."
Grade 3: Movement and Dance
Grade 3 is thrilled to be in class together again.
They have begun with movement and dance.
Focusing on the good times they have had together in the past,
and anticipating the exciting time of bonding together in the present,
they move to an old standard, "Celebrate Good Times."