Thursday, April 29, 2021

Grade 2 Composer Study: Franz Schubert 

2nd graders continue their study of classical music and composers. 

This week they enjoyed a lesson on Franz Schubert.

Here are they are seen learning about his homeland, Austria.

They also learned about the capital, Vienna, language of Austria - German,

and some popular Viennese cuisine.

They  listened to his composition, Symphony No. 8 and practiced conducting  along. 


Grade 6 Bucket Drumming

Middle School students have begun a new challenge in music classes.

They are learning to read music and play as an ensemble using buckets for drumming.

6th grade is seen here practicing several of their routines, including a

bucket routine rhythmic challenge. 

Friday, April 16, 2021

 Grade 1 - Music and Movement: Scarf Dancing

One of the skill sets 1st graders learn in music class is to feel a steady beat.

They enhance this with creative movement to a variety of genres of music. 

The following videos display their efforts:

Beethoven: Fur Elise

Leroy Anderson: The Syncopated Clock

Scarf Jam

Grade 3 Composer Study

3rd grade has segments in which they learn about famous composers.

This week's featured composer was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart.

They listened to a story and watched educational animated videos. Then they 

proceeded to learn more about his life and contributions by reflecting on 

special historical cards found in a time capsule.

Grades 5 and 6 Bucket Drumming

 Hall of Fame by Script

Grade 7 Hand Bells

Grade 7 continues to hone their hand bell skills.

They are currently preparing for end of the year ceremonies such as Graduation,

with a piece entitled "All Things Bright and Beautiful. "

Friday, April 9, 2021


Grade 1: Learning to Read Notes in the Bass Clef

Grade 1 listened to a story entitled Freddie the Frog and the Bass Clef Monster 

by Sharon Burch, illustrated by Tiffany Harris.

They enjoyed an animated story about Freddie the Frog, who goes on an adventure to 

Treble Clef Island, only to be directed to Frog Land via dancing bees, a moonlit cocoon garden, 

a fire-breathing dragon, and his friend Eli, the Elephant.

All of this spurred their journey to learn to read the notes in the bass clef music staff.

They capped the lesson off with an improvised dance to the song associated with the story. 

Grade 4 Learning Multi-Cultural Music with Orff Instruments

Jamba Bwana: A Swahili Greeting Song

Grade 4 learned several songs this week using music from multiple cultures.

The first song featured here is a Swahili Greeting Song entitled Jamba Bwana.

The second song is entitled Zimbole, an African Folk Song.

They learned the pronunciation, sang the lyrics, and added various Orff instrument

rhythmic ostinatos to provide musical accompaniment to the lyrics, simultaneously. 

The second song is entitled Zimbole, an African Folk Song.

Grade 6 Bal-A-Vis-X

Grade 6 thoroughly enjoys the Bal-A-Vis-X Music Exercises.

This is a program that was newly-implemented into the music curriculum last year.

They work on balance, auditory, visual and physical coordination skills 

while tossing bean bags, and bouncing racket balls to the beat

and tempo of various genres of music.

It helps to develop their sense of rhythm, eye-hand coordination, concentration and teamwork. 

Music Activity Highlights from Our Last Week in School  Grade 7 Handbells: Graduation Dress Rehearsal    Grade 1 Rhythm  Play Alongs Grade 1...