Thursday, November 21, 2019

Week of November 18th

First Grade is working diligently to prepare for our Christmas Show: December Round the World.
They are learning and singing lyrics in 5 different languages. They add choreography to spice up each musical number. Here is a glimpse of some of their hard work.

Kindergarten began learning about Boomwhackers this week. Boomwhackers are large plastic tubes, tuned to specific pitches and are patterned in various colors. This is how they begin to learn to read actual music. It also correlates to the hand signals they will study this using the Kodaly method.
Here they are seen learning to play Jingle Bells on Boomwhackers. 

Important Dates:
It will be a very active and musical month in December. 
We have many important dates coming up in the near future.
Please be aware of the following: November 26th, Thanksgiving Prayer Service
December 5th: Senior and Junior Choir Sing for the Board of Trustees
December 8th: Family Liturgy in the MPR 10 a.m.
December 9th: Christmas Concert in Gym 6 p.m.
December 11th: 8th Grade Hand Bell Field Trip to Center Square 7:45-11:00 a.m.
December 12th: Senior and Junior Choir Perform at Media Courthouse
December 18th:Lower School Christmas Nativity & Musical: December Round the World 6 pm
December 19th: Nativity and Musical for Grandparent's Day 9:00 a.m.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Week of November 11th, 2019

The 5th grade is working on using music and lyrics to collaborate with other disciplines.
They incorporate geography as they learn and memorize the 50 states
in alphabetical order while singing this catchy familiar melody. 
Then they upped the challenge by being able to perform it in "double time -(twice as fast.)
Next come the State capitals!

4th grade is working diligently on the songs and
choreography for the upcoming Christmas show.
Here they are practicing the opening number entitled "It's December Round the World."

7th grade is making extreme strides in mastering new Hand Bell repertoire.
Here they are preparing for our upcoming Christmas concert 
with this rendition of O Come, O Come, Emmanuel.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Week of November 4th

6th, 7th and 8th grade Hand Bell ringers are preparing for an upcoming 
performance at the Thanksgiving Prayer Service.
Here they are practicing a Walking Processional, while ringing bells simultaneously. 

The students continue to embrace the challenging Bal-A-Vis-X Exercises. 
Here 5th grade students complete individual drills while trying to master coordination.
Observe the focus, concentration and determination.

December is fast approaching and the Lower School is working hard to learn the lyrics, 
blocking and choreography for the Christmas Show: December Round the World.
Here the 2nd grade works on the opening musical number of the production.

Music Activity Highlights from Our Last Week in School  Grade 7 Handbells: Graduation Dress Rehearsal    Grade 1 Rhythm  Play Alongs Grade 1...