Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Week of February 17th, 2020

Keeping Time with the Orff method
Carl Orff, a German composer and music educator believed that children could 
learn music and to play instruments almost instantaneously by involving them.
His motto was: 
"Tell me, I forget, 
show me, I remember, 
involve me, I understand."
                                Carl Orff

Kindergarten students are learning dynamics (or volume levels).
They recite a lullaby from Thailand entitled Sleep Baby Sleep.
They are distinguishing between loud and soft sounds using instruments. 

Sacrament of Reconciliation
Several 2nd graders received the Sacrament of Reconciliation on Wed. February 19th.
Here a few of them lead the assembly gathered, in song, readings, petitions and prayer.

Black History Month Composers and Performers 

As we celebrate Black History Month, Grade 3 is learning about
African-American composers and performers.
They completed listening glyphs about Marian Anderson, the opera singer.
They also learned about song form and structure with 
Pharell William's song "Happy".

Learning about Song Structure and Form in Music

Music Activity Highlights from Our Last Week in School  Grade 7 Handbells: Graduation Dress Rehearsal    Grade 1 Rhythm  Play Alongs Grade 1...