Thursday, February 6, 2020

Week of February 3rd, 2020

Is it High or Low?
Grade 1 is learning to sing high vs. low.
They are also learning to distinguish sounds in our environment 
and determine whether they are high or low in pitch.

Kindergarten: Keeping a Steady Beat
Kindergarten is learning to keep a steady beat. 
First they learn using a drum then they learn by using various body parts.

Here they are pictured moving to different tempos.


Tapping Your Shoulders

Knee Bends

Pat Your Head 


Wave Your Arms

Running in Place 

Student Tutorial
Grades 6 and 7 Music Class had a joint session with the Grade 1 gym class.
The older students began to teach the younger students some of the basic exercises
they began in September using bean bags and racket balls. 
They worked in small groups and quadrants to develop their skill set.

Music Activity Highlights from Our Last Week in School  Grade 7 Handbells: Graduation Dress Rehearsal    Grade 1 Rhythm  Play Alongs Grade 1...